Novice Coaches: Beware the Time and Energy Vampire

Time VampireSome months ago, while communicating with one of my former trainers who became a good friend, Ronda Degaust of Life Potential Developments, I learned a new term, “time vampires.” I have since taken that term and made it “time and energy vampires.”


Time and Energy Vampires, If Given The Chance, Will Literally Suck You Dry.

They start out using phrases like, “Gee – would you help me with something?” When I was a novice coach, I loved helping people. Heck, that’s the reason we become coaches – to help others. And I still love helping people. However, I don’t do it for free anymore. The time/energy vampire will always want it for free and favors are never reciprocal, as in, I help you and you help me. With vampires, it is a one way relationship. They take. We give. Until we say, “Stop. No more.”

If you think that someone is a time/energy vampire and you aren’t sure, ask for something in return and note the reaction. If the other person gives generously in return, then she or he is not a vampire. If you get excuses like, “I would but right now I’m just too busy with . . .” or “Oh, you know if I had unlimited funds I would gladly but . . .” then you are dealing with a time/energy vampire.