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How To Write A Blog Post The Easy Way

Many excellent blog posts lay unwritten in the minds of would-be writers.


Because they talk themselves out of starting to write by constantly critiquing what they want to write.

As you know, there are NLP Techniques to overcome this problem. But this article is about the mechanics of “How to write a blog post the easy way,” not nlp techniques.

Knowing What To Do First – And Why

The first thing you absolutely must do is map out the structure of your blog post.

Once you map out your blog post structure, filling in the pieces required to complete the post will become easier.

Creating the post structure has two pluses: it makes it easier for you to write and the reader to follow and understand.

If you think of the structure as having two main parts, they would be: 1) The questions you must answer and 2) The actions you must tell the reader to take.

Questions You Need To Ask Yourself

There are three questions you need to ask before you start writing any post, and they are:

  1. Who am I writing this blog post for? 
  2. What will the reader get from reading this blog post? 
  3. How will I get them to take action?

By asking yourself these simple questions, your brain will automatically formulate answers. The questions and their subsequent answers will give you a direction to travel and a goal to achieve.

These questions will keep you on track and make your finished blog post more interesting.

When Writing For Online Exposure

When writing for online exposure, which is what we are discussing here, you need to ask this question:

4. What keywords will I use to attract the right person to my blog post?

You should always have at least one keyword to attract the right reader to your blog post. Free and paid services tell you which keywords people are searching for.

You can quickly increase your readership by using the right keywords. You can increase your income by using keywords for the right person.

What resources, products, or posts can you link to? And should you?

It will depend on your outcome for the blog post regarding what you may want to link to.

What is the blog post’s primary purpose, to sell a product or add authority and proof?

And don’t be afraid to make links to other good and relevant articles; they will only enhance your reader’s experience.

Writing Your Blog Post – Step By Step

The Secret To Writing A Great Headline

The headline is the most critical part of your post. 


Because if you don’t have a good headline to grab attention, there’s a good chance you won’t have many readers.

Also, make sure your headline has a benefit within it.

Here is one of my favourite benefit headline examples using several presuppositions.


Never Have A Sub-Headline Without These 2 Things!

Subheadlines break up long, tedious blocks of text that would otherwise chase readers away. 

Your post will benefit more if you put your keyword into at least one sub-headline.

Subheadlines should tease the reader into wanting to know what’s in the paragraph below. So, always take the time to create a sub-headline with a teaser.

The Summary – What It’s All About

Your title got their attention; now get them into your blog post easily. 


Well, that’s the point of the summary.

The job of your summary is to summarize what your blog post is about. A good summary will convince the right reader to read more. It’s also a great place to insert keywords.

What You Came Here For – The Content

Many writers start by sitting down and thinking of something to write. If that works for you, great, but writing a blog post without much thought about the structure is bad. 

And it’s hard. Most writers will fail miserably at writing simply because of this. So why do it?

It would be best if you started as I have laid out above so that when you start writing your content, you will have an easier time of it. 

You may be surprised at how easy it becomes once you use the structure I’ve provided.

And here’s another tip: keep your paragraphs short. Short is five sentences or less. Big blocks of text will chase readers away.

The Zen Of Writing Blog Post

“Write Your Blog Post, Then Walk Away.”

When you finish writing your blog post, put it down, then go away.

After you write your blog post, put it down and do something else for a couple of hours or overnight.

Give your conscious mind a break.

When you give yourself some space for a while, you will have fresh eyes to see and a clear mind to think. 

Also, your subconscious mind will chip in here and help you.

After you have had some time away from your new creation, then go back and read it out loud. Doing so, you will better know how it sounds to your reader.

If you can, ask someone else to read it and give you honest feedback.

The End

So, now that you know “How To Write A Blog Post The Easy Way,” what are you waiting for? Get pen and paper, or hop on your trusty computer and start writing.

Excuse me, we are in the 21st century, aren’t we? Yes, well, grab your handy dandy mobile device with the dictation app and go to it.

But Wait…

There’s a new kid on the block, and it’s name is AI (artificial intelligence)

With AI, you can easily write great emails and blog posts like the pros do. Even if you know nothing about writing.

Aweber Email Marketing System recently released a fantastic, super-easy AI system that you can use to write emails and blog posts with copy-writer quality.

I’ve been using Aweber email marketing for over a year and love it.

You need an automatic series of emails sent to your potential and paying clients; I’ll explain why in a new post.

From what I’ve seen, Aweber has the best AI for the job for the least amount of money. I only recommend products I use myself and/or find excellent. Aweber is both, so check them out.