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Bob Clarke is an International NLP Trainer and Coach. He is the co-developer of the full NLP Practitioner Certification Online 120 hour program and the NLP Coaching Handbook. Bob's passion is helping people grow their businesses. Bob Clarke is a certified trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (HNLP), Time-Based Techniques and a Certified Personal Coach, co-author, and co-developer of the Online NLP Training & Coaching Certification Program. Bob helps success-driven people get beyond their conscious limitations.
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Accredited Trainers are entitled to use the NLPGSA seal on the approved program certificates.
Drive Sales image
2 months ago no Comment

Or … How To Effortlessly Attract More Customers And Keep The Ones You Have In today’s fast-paced business world, staying organized and in touch with your prospects and clients is … Read more

Helping NLPers
4 years ago no Comment

NLP has multiple benefits, and when most people enter the world of NLP, it’s to make changes to their lives that can be earth-shattering beneficial. And some of us, having … Read more

Good Writing Skills
4 years ago no Comment

Fact: Good writing skills mean you can make more money in almost anything you do. And if you write marketing pieces, including blog posts and advertising, then stop everything and … Read more

How To Write Post image
4 years ago no Comment

Many excellent blog posts lay unwritten in the minds of would-be writers. Why? Because they talk themselves out of starting to write by constantly critiquing what they want to write. … Read more

NLP Business: And How Not To Run One … Badly
11 years ago no Comment

A Lesson From Neil Young I used to listen to Neil Young’s music long before I started my NLP Business. Neil Young never ran an NLP Business, but that doesn’t … Read more

NLP Global Standards cover image