Win-Win Influence with NLP

Ronda Degaust ( – NLP trainer, coach, and author) and NLP trainer Roger Ellerton ( discuss Roger’s most recent book “Win-Win Influence: How to Enhance Your Personal and Business Relationships … Read more

NLP VAK Test – Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Digital

Each of us has a preferred representational system (visual, auditory, kinesthetic or digital (auditory digital) – often referred to as VAK) – for more information on the NLP visual, auditory, kinesthetic and digital representational systems, please see the article Modalities and Representational Systems . There are several ways to determine which system(s) each of us prefers. Here is a

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Rapport – Building Trust In Relationships

As in all relationships, whether business or personal, building trust in relationships is must for success.

Since building rapport is about building trust, what are the key elements for building rapport?

Finding common interests are the key elements in building rapport.

When people are like each other…they like each other. One of the ways to do this is by listening to the other person’s language (their words, the speed and tonality in which they speak) and matching these are all part of building rapport with another person.

Walk Your Talk

Besides matching the words, speed and tonality, it is important to walk your talk. Walking your talk is simply standing by what you represent to others. For example: you build rapport with a new customer by matching their language, but your service you provide doesn’t match what they wanted. For this reason it is ultimately important to

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques

This reference page introduces several popular NLP techniques, linking to practical explanations and guidelines for each technique.

> How to get rid of phobias and trauma using NLP

NLP’s Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation Technique (also known as the Fast Phobia Cure and Rewind Technique) helps to eliminate the effects of traumatic memories. It can be deeply healing for individuals who suffer from PTSD, with results being both rapid and sustainable. Intense fear of people, animals, objects or situations that are not harmful or dangerous (know as a phobia) is most often easily treated with this technique.

V-K Dissociation enables people who suffer from phobias or traumatic memories to reprogram their brain’s response to the original (causal) experience. It does this through separating (dissociating) mental pictures (V) and their associated feelings (K) so that irrational fear and behaviour in specific contexts are no longer triggered.

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> The NLP technique for internal conflict resolution

NLP’s popular Parts Integration technique is a useful skill to overcome ‘bad habits’, indecision, procrastination and all sorts of internal conflicts.

Emotional experiences throughout life, and especially during the early imprint years can result in the creation of Parts at the unconscious mind. These Parts generate their own values and beliefs, and are responsible for

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Branching Out with NLP

With any kind of business and that includes NLP coaching, there has to be a focus toward growth and ongoing development.  What other markets would be appropriate?  Can expanding the demographics of a typical client reveal untapped opportunities?  Or, can shifting the focus in a slightly different direction create a potential new client resource.  Recently, I learned something about that last question from one of my clients.

Most life coaches, using that term in a general way, tend to focus on particular life challenges or areas for improvement.  Most business coaches, again generally speaking, look to particular industries or business types for a client base. What happens, however, when we take those two focal points and reverse them?  The life coach looks at business types and the business coach looks at people or life challenges?

One of my clients has two areas of specialization.  Her first is very definitely life coaching based in that she works with people who are transitioning in their careers.  Her second could be either life or business coaching as she specializes in helping women who want to own their own businesses.  During a recent session with this client, we shifted focus with both of her areas of specialization and made an incredible discovery.  The client discovered some large untapped markets by focusing on industries for career transition work and by focusing on particular women’s life area groups for her business development work.

As coaches, we can learn so much from the creativity of our clients and, many times, apply their ah-hah moments to ourselves, our businesses, and our

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Novice Coaches: Beware the Time and Energy Vampire

Time VampireSome months ago, while communicating with one of my former trainers who became a good friend, Ronda Degaust of Life Potential Developments, I learned a new term, “time vampires.” I have since taken that term and made it “time and energy vampires.”


Time and Energy Vampires, If Given The Chance, Will Literally Suck You Dry.

They start out using phrases like, “Gee – would you help me with something?” When I was a novice coach, I loved helping people. Heck, that’s the reason we become coaches – to help others. And I still love helping people. However, I don’t do it for free anymore. The time/energy vampire will always want it for free and favors are never reciprocal, as in, I help you and you help me. With vampires, it is a one way relationship. They take. We give. Until we say, “Stop. No more.”

If you think that someone is a time/energy vampire and you aren’t sure, ask for something in return and note the reaction. If the other person gives generously in return, then she or he is not a vampire. If you get excuses like, “I would but right now I’m just too busy with . . .” or “Oh, you know if I had unlimited funds I would gladly but . . .” then you are dealing with a time/energy vampire.

Creating The Life You Want!


Creating The Life You Want!

The first step to creating the life you want is to determine it with no limitations. What would you do or have if there were no limitations on what you can achieve?

Secondly, take the time to dream what it is you really want. You know what matters to you more than anything else. Define your dream to be more specific with the life you want.

As you let your mind focus on the life you want, become fully associated to having it. As if you already have it. See what you would see, hear what you would hear and feel what you would feel. Then make a list or create a vision board of the life you want. In the center of the vision board or within the list, put yourself within the pictures or list. This step is important because your mind needs to know you haven’t achieved it yet. Seeing yourself (dissociated) having or doing what you want adds motivation to achieve it.

Last, it’s time to make it happen. Even if you are not able to create the life you want right now, you can

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